Say Hello to Ello, a fun new social network!
Where everyone is mellow and nobody is a jerk.
Ello's held up on the left by happy people good to meet,
Who make the network special by sharing things unique!
And Codsworth to the right... He's here from Fallout 4!
Friendly robot (and a fighter!) tough enough to survive war.
Two very special robots both of whom we all should know...
So play Fallout and then friend me at ELLO DOT CO!
Where everyone is mellow and nobody is a jerk.
Ello's held up on the left by happy people good to meet,
Who make the network special by sharing things unique!
And Codsworth to the right... He's here from Fallout 4!
Friendly robot (and a fighter!) tough enough to survive war.
Two very special robots both of whom we all should know...
So play Fallout and then friend me at ELLO DOT CO!